
By Keren Lozano. 

One of their customs is not on the head, the head is considered sacred  and touching it is a sign of disrespect. Don't blow your nose in front of other people, especially during meals. Always give and receive gifts with both Hands. 

Although we can find dishes with chicken, beef, and duck in typical Chinese food, pork is the type of meat we find most frequently.  It can also be prepared in any way, fry, saute, bake or Stew. Among  all the options  we have to season  it, there is one way that stands out:

. Peking duck 

. Moon cookies 

. Wantan soup.

When eating you should close your mouth to chew food well before swallowing it.

Typicals dances:

. Tibetan  dance

. Manchu  dance

. Mongolian  dance

In china the religions to wich they belong are: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and traditional religión. 
